When you are frequently away from the computer, it’s highly advised to add a screen saver password. You’ll be required for the user's log on password when you move the mouse and try to exit the screen saver
1. Click “Start” and click the “Control Pane”l link, click "Appearance and Personalization" option, Click "Personalization" link at the top of the window.
2. On the coming window, scroll down through the list of options and click the "Screen Saver" link.
3. Click the check box labeled "On Resume, Display Log On Screen."
4. Click "Apply" and click "OK" to change the setting so the operating system requires your log on password to close the screen saver and return to the desktop.
Note: The screen saver password is the same password that you use when logging on to Windows 7. So if you forgot Windows 7 login password, it means you forgot the screen saver password. And with respect to Windows 7 password, please remember to create a Windows 7 password reset disk to in case of a lost Windows 7 password.
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